The product is used in overload or short-circuit protection for instrument transformer. At the time of holding up by restrain circuit current way to get minimum from carry on instantaneous to turn on and break,it should be within the range of 0.6-1.8A to fuse the electric current in one minute.
Technique data
Installatiion Dimensios
The fuse pipe is the main part of fuse,it is made by installing the fuse wire in the porcelain pipe,filling the quartz sand in the porcelain pipe and sealing to-ends of pipe.For the fuse pipe with rated current below 7.5Aand 35V rated voltage,its fuse wire is rolled on the special porcelain core,referening to chart 2.a.for the fuse pipe with rated current above 7.5A,its fuse wire is hang in the porcelain pipe,referening to the chart.